Jason Mummua – Dealer Principle/Partner of Chapman Lancaster

Chapman Cares

Start Your Career Today!

It’s a company that first and foremost cares about its employees because we believe if we take care of our employees ultimately they’re going to take care of the customer.

Career Advancement

We strive to promote within

Chapman fosters a culture that values skill development, recognizes achievements, and provides ample opportunities for advancement. Join us and elevate your career as we invest in your success and cultivate a path for continuous growth within our dynamic team.


Current Employees


Employees have been here
more than 3 years or more

Jim Bailey, Director of Fixed Operations of Chapman Auto Group

Real-life results

What our employees say…

“If you accept a position at Chapman, you can expect to have a number of resources to ensure your success!”

Lino DeLaRosa

“We never stop training because technology never stops advancing.”

Jim Bailey

“1000% Chapman trains their employees. Nothing replaces loyalty.”

Kevin Lambert

“We have a specific onboarding process with every new hire. We make sure you are ready for your new position with Chapman.”

Steve Wepryk